Dear Ones,

This is an invitation.

As we embark on this new Golden Era and the Age Of Aquarius, we usher in the rise of the divine feminine. More and more of us are returning to nature and Source, Spirit, Creator, God, (whomever you are comfortable calling IT). More and more of us are opening to the multidimensional aspects of ourselves and connecting to the unified field of consciousness that exists all around us, awakening the dormant parts of ourselves, recovering, and activating innate birthright gifts of intuitive, mystical, and magical powers which connect us to the non-physical, and the true nature of reality.

We are returning within for answers and for self-healing, returning to the heart, to love, the most powerful force in all the universe. We are returning to our ancestors, ancient mystery schools, nature and plant medicine, intuitive healing modalities, midwifery, ceremony, ritual, herbalism, reciprocity, sharing of our gifts, collaborating, becoming self-sustaining, reigniting the village, living communally, growing our own food, and doing the shadow work to heal so that we can show up in our purest form to do the work we came to do in this lifetime. We are learning to stop looking outside of ourselves for answers, learning instead that Nature and God are within each of us. There is much more to existence than what the eyes can see.

The God Spark is within each of us and all around us. It’s in the food we eat, the ground we walk upon, the air we breathe, the smile or wink from the old man on the bus, in the $100 bill you find on the street, the perfect friend calling you at time of need, the gentle nudge when you stretched yourself and it paid off.

We are spiritual beings having human experiences, not human beings having spiritual experiences.

There were times on earth when we all had access to these gifts and powers and now the time has come again to reclaim these capacities. It is our curriculum while on the earth plane to balance the spiritual aspects of ourselves in the physical (“limited”) form.

I am so grateful and humbled to live during this time and I would go as far to say, this is the time we’ve all been waiting for and we are the ones we have been waiting for! It doesn’t need to be a grand gesture in order to change this world and yourself. Choosing love and ascending, one person at a time, is more powerful than a million people who choose to remain in fear. One breath at a time, one present moment at a time, we soften. We surrender. We let go and allow. And we continue to do the hard work to strip away what is not really us, revealing our true beautiful selves. In the Vedic Tradition it is called Atman. Slowly we are able to rise to higher vibrational frequency, to flow, to love and live in deeper connection to everything around us.

I believe we all have magic gifts to share with the world, ones we dreamt about and read about as children. What if I told you, you have an internal gps if you listen closely? What if I told you, your pain or dis-ease is your body communicating with you, it’s not your body attacking you? What if I told you that the little voice inside is actually your higher self or Godself trying to get your attention?

And the more you remember, the more you re-member and re-ember, and more is revealed.

And oh, the magic! Magic begins to happen behind every corner. You begin to see the beautiful crystalline web just beyond the veils.

We have these powers within. We have lost connection but like any skill, we need to practice attuning ourselves to these gifts we’ve been given. I can help you access these innate powers.

This is my prayer.

May I be a bridge between the physical and non-physical, the ordinary and non-ordinary, in service and gratitude to God in all forms.
May I be in service and gratitude to all my teachers both physical and non-physical, both known and unknown,
May I be in service and gratitude to the ancient Daoist sages, angels and ascended masters, mystics, rishes, kahunas, shamans & shamanesses, cudanderas, and to all the wisdom keepers (both physical and non-physical) who keep this knowledge alive,
May I be in service and gratitude to the great mystery schools, my ancestors, and my lineage.
May I be in service and gratitude to my Ohana, and to the stones, Pohaku Akuas.
This is my sacred occupation.
May all beings heal themselves.
May all beings awaken to their magical gifts.
The Ceremony has begun.